Member-only story
An accident of space and time,
Dancing to the play of senses five?
Do you,
Oh Genius,
Go dark
When lighted neurons
Cease to spark?
Is vision held
To the bounded line,
Hemming us in
To wither and die?
May there be,
As the poets say
A Will in Man to be free,
An Omnipresent Way
To still the swirling Karmic sea,
As did Christ in Galilee?
Or are we only donning masks
In a Darwinian tragedy?
Oh, let deep sing unto deep
Rousing Reason from sensory sleep:
May the glory of the Inner Light be bared,
Piercing the heart of the Shadow’s lair!
Blindness cured by Wisdom’s touch,
Jacob dissolves Esau’s clutch.
© Conor MacCormack, 2019